CPAs, business owners, personal financial planners, insurance consultants and more need to assess and modify their planning to adjust to a volatile market. Here's a resource that can help practitioners and individuals alike assess and modify their planning: Estate and Related Planning during Economic Turmoil by Martin M. Shenkman, CPA, MBA, PFS, JD. This downloadable PDF eBook covers critical planning topics including estate, trust, charitable, closely held business, financial, and matrimonial planning.
Recent market fluctuations have affected every aspect of financial planning. Are you modifying your estate planning to be effective in a down market? Is your planning poised for the eventual recovery? You need to know how current economic conditions will affect basic as well as sophisticated planning and Estate and Related Planning During Economic Turmoil will guide you. Veteran author Martin M. Shenkman leads you through the core planning concepts that must be reviewed in the current economy to ensure that you are in touch with your needs. Bring your estate planning up to speed today!
Here you will find the following
- Complete coverage of current legislation that impacts your estate planning needs
- Recession planning concepts that cover reevaluating the objectives of your estate, trust, charitable, probate, closely held business, financial, and matrimonial considerations
- Firm planning management checklists that provide practical tools to help professional advisers cover all of the considerations you will be faced with in estate planning client engagements
- Sample estate planning PowerPoint presentation that offers a marketing communication platform to help show your clients and customers how to reevaluate their assets in a fluctuating market
- Sample clauses and provisions, examples, and author's tips that show practical applications for the topics covered
Market turmoil is never pleasant. Economic downturns are disconcerting, disruptive and worse. Taking the ostrich approach will likely torpedo your planning, as will planning one-dimensionally (e.g., for pure estate issues while ignoring insurance, business or other essential ancillary matters), so have it all reviewed.
Instead of fretting about what you can't control, take charge of the planning that you can control. This book illustrates a few of the myriad ways recent developments may have impacted client estate, financial and business planning and some steps you can take to guide your clients through these turbulent times.
While the focus throughout the outline is on estate planning, estate planning cannot be addressed in a vacuum. Therefore, comments on a host of ancillary areas have been provided as well, all with an emphasis to the impact on estate planning.
About the author
The author, an attorney in Paramus, NJ and in New York City, focuses his practice on estate planning and administration, tax planning, and corporate law. Recognized as a financial planning authority. Shenkman was recently featured in a write up in the July 2009 Forbes magazine concerning his volunteer and charitable efforts. Shenkman was included in Worth magazines' top 100 attorneys in 2007 and in CPA magazines' top 50 IRS practitioners in 2008. He is also called on as a source by the print media including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, Money, and The New York Times and by broadcast media including The Today Show, CNN, NBC Evening News, CNBC, and MSNBC.
Mr. Shenkman has published 36 books and more than 800 articles. His most recent book prior to Estate and Related Planning is Estate Planning for People with Chronic Illness and Disability published by Demos Health.