In these times of financial turmoil, it is always better to approach the financial market with caution. As they say, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure – and most especially when dealing with money matters. After all, losing money, however small, is always a painful experience. It is a good thing therefore that there are experts in certified financial planning to help you out.
Experts in certified financial planning are called, well, certified financial planners (CFP) or certified financial advisors (CFA). Their purpose in life is to help their clients – individuals and corporations – work out comprehensive financial plans that combine financial security and growth minus possible risks or financial setbacks.
Individuals and business owners feel safe about leaving their financial planning to the CFPs and CFAs for these experts all have undergone and passed the Certified Financial Planner certification exam.
The certification exam covers a wide range of topics that include investment knowledge, professional conduct, financial theory, insurance, taxation, risk and debt management and even statistical modeling. Needless to say, certified financial planning offers individuals and businesses assurance that their financial planning needs and requirements are met.
Another reason why certified financial planning is advisable is the fact that even if you consider yourself financially knowledgeable, you cannot expect to keep tabs on developments in the financial market 24/7. And with the proliferation of false information and scams on the Internet and your personal life to consider, it is better to leave certified financial planning to people whose vocation is to offer solutions to all your financial-related problems and make sure you are financially safe and stable.
By: Mel C writes about certified financial planning and gives creating a certified financial planning tips.